Dahlia Danton's Search for Meaning

in defense of amor sui

Posts Tagged ‘personal development


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DDbusy“Sorry, I’m busy.”

If I had a shekel for every time I said that in the past year and a half I’d be as flush as Maecenas.

I am so slammed with work, professional obligations and ‘personal development’ workshops that I barely have time to eat. I haven’t read a book since The Corrections, I don’t know Breaking Bad from Lassie and I’ve long since lost track of whether we’re on the Sunni or the Shiite side of the global jihad.

But I have to say it’s been worth it!

Honestly, the only feet I’ve stepped on in the process have been those belonging to the inconsequential.  Really –  just the bunions of the minions. The people I’ve lost by my frenzied absorption in DahliaWorld have been the people I can honestly do without.

 I recommend this cold-blooded exercise in salubrious social censorship!

ScoreCardIf you’ve ever wondered who those people are who are truly important to you, fill your calendar till it looks like an extra-inning scorecard and pay attention to who you end up making time for.

You may be surprised by what you find out.

I had lunch the other day with the brother of my chiropractor. A really cute, young guy who wants to go back to school to get an MFA in sculpture.

It was fun!

W2-1099-Print-1096-Forms-LLast week there was a reception at the Hammer for this editor of a small Italian art magazine. All the significant Los Angeles art writers were there.

I couldn’t miss that one.

There was a four day Tax Deductions for Artists seminar at the Japanese/American Cultural Center downtown which I went to reluctantly but turned out to be a pretty decent networking opportunity.

On Friday I’m having drinks with the directors of the Paso Robles Art Fair. Sounds silly but you never know to where something like that may lead.

On the other hand, I haven’t spoken to my mother for four glorious months. My niece Jessica had her fourth birthday party last weekend and I really had every intention of going but this guy at my gym was having a yard sale and I promised I would help him out.

You really can’t do everything and besides, I have to think of my well-being. If I said yes to everybody I literally would never get any rest.

I’ve had this on-again, off-again thing with the artist David Schoffman. He’s a really nice guy and he always takes me out to these really highbrow performances and lectures. Up until a few years ago I could pretty much keep up with him and have a decent time.


 Now, I’m afraid, it all just puts me to sleep.

Written by dahliadanton

May 17, 2015 at 6:46 am